Terms and Conditions


SMB attempts to ensure the integrity, correctness and authenticity of the site, it makes no guarantees whatsoever as to its completeness, correctness or accuracy. In the event that such an inaccuracy arises, please inform us so that it can be corrected. The information displayed on the website is for helping visitors to get a quick view about the institute at first glance.


Share Market is the sbuject to Market Risk. There are no guaranteed returns in the stock market. Market yield is subject to market fluctuations. We have no such guaranteed return plan. No one from our organization will contact you for such a plan.

As per SEBI rules, you should not share your demat account password with anyone.

Privacy & Security

• SMB will not share or use personal documents of any individual for any other purpose than agreed by customer.

• Please do not share your account details or passwords to any of the staff/trainer in SMB. SMB management will not be responsible for any loss or discrepancy occurred due to misuse of account.

Trading Strategies & Stock Advisory

• Stock suggestions/Advisory given to our clients are for education purpose only. Stock suggestions shared with students are completely free & SMB do not directly or Indirectly ask for the charges for advisory. If any of the staff member directly or indirectly ask for the advisory fees then report it to management on immediate basis. Visitor/students are recommended to follow our advisory after their own analysis & study. Individual will be responsible for any Profit/Loss occurred on his trade/investment decisions. The term expressed as “SMB” refers to “ShareMarketBlog.com” and its programs.